Monday, May 30, 2016

O new bff where the hell are you ?

You know what I think is pretty awesome ? ..The brotherhood of the grass grower mafia , turf mafia , golf mafia .whatever you call it . It's like a silent acceptance into a secret society,  that you can reach out to anytime and they welcome you with open arms . Have a question about job opening in an unknown region , contact a MOT in the area. Need a chemical/fertilizer  rep in a new area ? Contact a MOT in that area . Even if you've never spoken before ,you're  instantly bff and you get a plethora of information. They make instant relationships ,golf together and possibly go for a beer and coordinate their arefication together on different weeks to accommodate all memberships in surrounding areas . Personally as a WOT, I think it's pretty darn amazeballs. I wish it was that easy for WOT'S transitioning into uncharted territory ,when our MOT'S accept a new position in foreign waters  . Instead we have to try a little harder to find "our tribe " . When our daughter was younger I threw myself into playgroups and the stereotypical "mom's groups" I was actually pretty darn fortunate to meet some incredible humans ,whom I have made life long friendships with  . Fast forward to present day with this move , and having a now 12 yr old (way to old for playgroups ) I have 1 of 2 options .. option number 1 (being boarder line illegal i'm sure) buy and or rent a black market baby,so I can have a hope of making fast friends or option 2 (which smells of desperation ) hang around Target with a Starbucks cup in hand, and scope out the "cool moms" and pray that I don't look like a creepy stalker trying to scout out the pretty ones for a human trafficking ring in my new town . I'm sure many of you are probably thinking ,just go and get a job . Well that would be a great solution "if" key word "if "I had a husband who worked normal hours ,whom could handle the load of a kid with all her activities . Although my MOT is very much involved in our daughter's life ,he just can't be there 24/7 like I can . That is my sacrifice and I'm ok with that . I'm not a "needy "person , but I'm thinking this entry is making me sound like I am ...o lord..!!!! None the less ,I always do seem to find my way outside of my MOT'S shadow . So what, if this time I have no handed to me friendships or easy ways, I'm a WOT, I can make it work even under the most challenging situations. This new  stage in my life  shouldn't be to difficult  to find my "weirdo's", I'll just have to think outside the box and become creative ...HA!!! Or take up a hobby drinking anyone (probably not the best hobby.. but, totally a fun one!!) ???
Disclaimer**** If you see me in target clutching a Starbucks Coffee ,I'm not trying to abduct you ..,I'm just find my tribe ..

Friday, May 27, 2016

So, i'm not medicated yet..

So I've  heard through the grape vine the masses have been on my mot's jock as to where this infamous wot has been .. well I'm right here .. trying to stay sane ..trying to sell my soul to sell our freaking house , and dealing woth the last week of dance for our spawn ..our kot..(kid of turf) not to mention EVERYTHING else ,the end of chapter 56786 in our life of turf . As I sit here on my front porch watching my MOT  (yay he's home ) hand water the front yard(don't think the irrigation system is good enough for his "special" grass) ..for a split second ..I'm letting myself feel normal for a hot minute . I'm  ignoring the fact  in 2 days he will be gone again and my daughter and I will be on our own yet again . But this time the light is shinning and the end is nearing . Soon we will begin chapter 56787 in the great state of AllllllaaaaBAMA..and I will have plenty of "material" to blog about as I'm sure after the euphoria of happiness and rainbows wears off my MOT will most certainly be on my shit list . That's all I have folks in the mean time just pray for my sanity..because in the reality of this crazy life turf related or not ..the sayings still stands true.. "if momma ain't happy none is "
see.. look at the way he's" holding" his hose..industry professional? trick of the trade??
This is NEVER ok to wear..but i'm reduced to be one of his "employee's" doing yard maintenance..but at least i'm repping my team.. GO PACK GO!

Sunday, May 15, 2016

WOT'S need love too..

Early morning is my favorite time of the day . My daughter is still asleep and I have my coffee and my cat to keep me company . Notice I'm not mentioning my MOT because well , you all know where he is :)It's also my time to reflect and fill my soul with mindless social media stalking .(don't act like you don't enjoy it too )My feeds are filled with all sorts of characters ranging from family, friends to industry people. It's a colorful array of awesomeness. What I enjoy the most is seeing other MOT'S showcasing their hard work . The perfectly striped greens and those beautiful rolling fairways . It's truly a sight to see. But then I also know,the dark side of that beauty.  I also know that ,that MOT who is showcasing their hard work has a WOT at home probably pissed off because he was supposed to be home 2 hrs ago or a child who is missing their dad terribly. Being married to someone who is always preoccupied with dirt and grass is  very difficult. More than any "normal" wife can possibly understand . I often highlight how MOT'S are a different breed , but the reality is we as WOT'S are just as different . Our life pretty much revolves around a season . Growing or dormant.  Our sanity depends on our own strength and finding the will just to make it happen day to day alone . Some might say its,not fair ,but it's the life our destiny sought out for us . We just do it . It's almost become second nature for me to make decisions without consulting my MOT. At times it's a lonely road ,but also an empowering one . There are A LOT of WOT'S  out in the world ,and we all share this trait..STRENGTH!!!!! They are who they are, because, we are who we are ,an unspoken sisterhood where we love our MOT'S unconditionally but we don't need them to justify our own existence.  We just make it happen and quietly celebrate our own victories, that more often than not,go unnoticed or celebrated. These victories come from being a strong ,independent woman !! If your a WOT reading this entry today I'm celebrating you and telling you how wonderful you are and how great of a job your doing ,you're a freaking rock-star!!!!, and well if your a MOT reading this please please please tell your WOT today she's beautiful and you are not where you are in life without her , and her strength(it will only take about 5 mins and I can assure you nothing horrific is going to happen to your course in that time)..maybe get some flowers too :)

Friday, May 13, 2016

Always something ....

A day in my life 7:44 am..ring ring .(Mot calling)
MOT-hi.. I just sent you a pic
MOT-SO I just ran into a member of XYZ golf club ,who is playing in the USGA tournament this weekend
MOT -Member of XYG golf club said my greens are as good as XYG golf club.  I'm speechless
ME-That's great babe . (Also secretly laughing because my MOT is NEVER speechless)
MOT-OK gotta go..I just spotted pythium.....
Again I couldn't make it up if I wanted to . I'll never run out of things to blog about at my MOT'S expense.  
Holly -34455678875432 ,
*Disclaimer- XYZ Golf Club shall remain a secret..but you can check MOT'S course out @Huntsville CC Agronomy/Maintenance Facebook 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Being a princess is highly overrated..

16 years of being a WOT and well today I just got schooled . Just when I think I've been through every possible scenario that this crazy "turf life " has thrown at me ,BOOM..! In walks "bent grass" or "Princess" as I've now dubbed Holly's putting surfaces . I've been so spoiled in my MOT's career that I've never really had to deal with the tribulations of it . I've/we've have always lived in areas where "growing season " was year round and it really didn't matter if your greens were in full force menopause experiencing the dreaded hot flashes . For those of you reading my "crazy " and have no idea what bent grass is ,it's the devil herself  laughing at any WOT ,for actually thinking you might get a 5 minute lunch date with your MOT during the dogs days of summer . So I'm preparing myself for the "mourning phase" gone will be the hopes of any type of fun family summer time memories , I am  pretty much going to forget planning any spur of the moment getaways, and just seeing my MOT'S face in general . I'm sure I'll be able to suffer through it. 
 I've already bought a brand new pair of big girl panties to get me through . I am very thankful that our daughter is now 12 and has inherited my strong sense of being . I couldn't imagine how she'd react to being without her most precious human if she was any younger. So the next time you "think" you might have life figured out.. DON'T .. there will always be a "princess " in there to throw you a big fat curve ball.Always  remember you DO learn something new everyday ! Holly-25898545236985, Princess- 2365258, Me- 7

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

MOT Manic Monday....

Today's post is inspired by my admiration of my MOT.  Yes I complain about is career  alot,  but as we're getting ready to end this 10 year chapter in our life, I can't help but be extremely proud of him and his career accomplishments.  It dawned on me today since September 28, 2015 when he took over his current property ,(Huntsville Country Club)in 8 short months he's driven almost 18,000 miles (yes you are reading that correctly) to come home when he can. He's missed countless mildstones in our daughter's life this year , which I know has hurt him deeply . He's taken on a golfcourse that was in dire need for proper agronomic  practices and made her shine like the diamond she's deserves to be . He's also completely cleaned house with his staff and trained them "his way" so he has no worries when he needs to be home with us . He has taken under his wing an assistant who's been with "Holly " for atleast 15 years and has molded him to be his eyes and ears when he's not around . 8 short months ..if that isn't "greatness" I don't know what is . Here's the kicker here, in these 8 short months not only has his knowledge and  leadership skills proured over in abundance in the actions of his staff and the conditions of his property,  in 3 days from now that poor struggling diamond in the ruff 8 months earlier, is now the hosting a USGA senior and an AGA Amateur qualifying round tournaments.  Proud is not even the word I have for my husband, it's more like brusting at the seams of utter jubilation .Of course, I'm always his biggest fan ,but it warms my heart that others are now noticing "his greatness" too . Good job my boy ,keep up the great work !!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

I can't stop these mole crickets

One thing I've noticed over the years of being a WOT is my MOT'S mind NEVER shuts off. I mean like ever . I can't remember the last time we were in a car driving and a conversation  wasn't centered around grass or weather .  At any moment I can look over at him and witness a one of a kind design /build thought process . He's staring at an open field ,to which he  replies.."you know right to the left of that tree ,would make a beautiful par 3 ". It even happens when we're in the nursey section in a local home improvement store. A plant catches his eye ,"That would look beautiful to the right of 15 tee box." The best ever is when he's over worked, and stressed . He talks in his sleep . His dream state ramblings have educated me in every aspect of golf course maintenance.  The proper way to distribute seed during overseeding , how to properly harvest sod ,where to put the bunker sand and what it feels like to be an employee on the receiving end of an epic ass chewing . I sometimes wonder if this unhealthy.  Unhealthy in the aspect of not being able to shut it off and walk away ,having the ability to see and think beyond the green , always being preoccupied with the turf. Being here in the moment,but never being here in the mental moments. Then I realize this is what passion is all about . Passion and a love that noone can put rhyme or reason to. Truthfully I'd give my left arm to have that kind of passion. The ability to be immersed in something that truly is your heart and soul, your reason for living . I've met my fair share of  Mot's in my lifetime and they all share this same exact characteristic..PASSION . These little idiosyncrasies make it very easy to forgive my MOT of his sometimes inability to balance anything outside of "his girl " If his soul is happy ,then I'm happy ..even if I have to compete constantly with "the other woman " .

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Special grass??

Today I feel like educating the masses about what my MOT really does . The majority of people I've come into contact with  look at me like I have 3 heads when I tell them my hubs is a golf course superintendent.  Them -"O.. they actually have someone who gets paid to keep the grass green ? I thought all you had to do was have that special grass ,mow it ,then water it ". Me-tries really hard not to slap the stupid away. Then comes my next favorite question EVER..Them- "WOW! Does he know Tiger Woods?" Me-  trying harder this time not to slap the stupid away . As if "keeping the grass green" gives one access to a super secert society where you automatically  become bff with Tiger Woods . The fact is ladies and gents ,I could sit here for hours and describe the job description, but since this is a blog of "short " musing ,I'll consolidate. 
▪Keeper of peace
▪Disease control artist
▪Environmental advocate
▪Mind reader
▪Irrigation expert
▪Fertility guru
▪Grass whisper
▪Traffic controller
▪Maintenance Mafia Godfather 
▪Maker of Magic 
▪Root adjuster 
▪Earth mover
I'm sure I've left some out , but this is just a "taste". So I hope the next time you're out playing or driving by a course , this post comes to mind . Mostly importantly here, NO..!!!!! My MOT doesn't know Tiger Woods.. or I don't "think" he does :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I'm not a fan

I bet you're wondering what I'm doing right now . I'm sitting here waiting for my MOT to finally arrive home . Yes,if you've been following along he was supposed to come home Monday.  Here it is Wednesday night and well , here I sit alone. Lucky me!!! I'll be waiting until sometime tomorrow afternoon  . I'm sure you want the ditty , but at this point does it really matter ?  I won't bore you with all the details . Holly totally won today . I did get the ..this will all be over soon bs line . Typical..Truth is I need my MOT here now . We need to come first . Today I'm deflated and not a very happy WOT..but there's always tomorrow ..fingers crossed..

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You can't always get what you want...

Great news is I'm over my self reflecting pity party. Bad news is Holly has once again dug her roots into my mot's veins . This time she has recruited irritation  (irrigation). As I type this entry , my MOT should be on his way to Florida to see his FOT.(family of turf) but instead he's getting a new irrigation something . I shouldn't be annoyed ,considering this "new" is going to help holly flourish back to her natural beauty and make his life a little bit easier , but I/we are . This living apart stuff is for the birds . I know it will only be a short time longer but in the meantime it still stinks.. Then there's that fine line of guilt . Yes I am upset that my MOT won't be home tonight , but he's taking care of his responsibilities.  So I really don't have a  right to be mad at him and pick a fight about how taken for granted I feel ,how his career always comes first ,the fact i'm nursing a sick kid,packing ,cleaning etc . It's been almost a month since he's been home . What's two more days . In the grand scheme of things its THE fact he's coming home. He's choosing family over holly and that's what really matters. Holly 2565454698574, WOT 546