Thursday, January 22, 2015

Giddy up..and enjoy the ride..Space boy style

Once agian we're in the truck, Space boy is commanding his starship enterprise, and me , the way over served copilot. (Thank god I don't have a "special role" in this adventure , or we might end up in tijuana riding bareback on circus donkeys ) O crap..I think to myself .. I don't think we or I .. (WAIT...we're a we now ?? did that happen ..I'm not even sure I'm an I ) said farewell to Mr. Big tipper man ..what if he notices I left with space boy ? Will he think space boy is going to make a hole in one ??? Omg!!I think to myself ..then in an instant my secert,  complete,   batcrap ,mental breakdown  gets distracted and forgotten as we(why am I referring to the we thing agian !! It's him not me ..I am sitting here in his mobile space device , slowly purchasing a ticket   for a one way cruise to,  nutty island ) stop for road beverages ... Whew..that was exhausting ..
Back on the road agian,  a boy, a girl,  a truck and a case of beer...I'm sure I'm in the process of living some back woods country song in real life, except my "country boy" has lighting sticks and travels through space and waves grass clippings instead of pixie dust.. Off we go into the unknown .. a dark , black as midnight , stretch of road that I swear if you looked hard enough you could see zombies circling in anticipation of mauling their next victim.  Ok so that was a bit dramtic, but you get my drift. After what seems like a 4 hr road trip down the longest stretch of road ever, there it was ... (insert that annoying awww music..wait for it...cue the music !!!) There it was ... Space boy's central command ... the hub of resistance. ..the electrical brain of his so called time traveling hub... "THE CLUB HOUSE..." clever cover up ..Space boy.. ..clever ..very clever indeed .