Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sometimes Silence is Best

I truly feel like sometimes I sound like a broken record . Constantly having to explain my "life" to others . Why I have to plan my life around my hubs job, why it's extremely difficult to chase after my own dreams and why I always seem to have an excuse for every solution.
It gets exhausting trying to explain a Turf Wife's existence. WE are the glue that holds our families together and the oil that keeps the engine running at full speed. If  we break down, take a day off or throw any type of wrench into our normal, well our family goes to sheet .
Now before I give a negative impression about a MOT, mine in particular, he's amazing,he's a great dad to our daughter. He truly is my rock ! He's my biggest cheerleader.  He's always there when I need him to be .I might have to remind him 500 times and call him every 20 minutes to make sure he remembers ,but he will always come through . Any Turf Wife reading this will know exactly what I am talking about.That's just it though, anyone outside our "life" really doesn't understand.
What  really gets to me though, how hard it is for some people just to realize my husband doesn't work a M-F 9 to 5 job.
Yes,you might see his truck in the driveway at 2 pm on a Wednesday ,VERY rarely I might add,but it does happen every blue moon . I'm positive no one will notice him pulling in at 8pm the 6 other days of the week .
The older I get and the more seasoned I become in this industry,the more I notice the "outsiders" just really are clueless about this "our" life. I'm almost to the point of just telling anyone new I meet,I'm independently wealthy,and you might see me with a guy from time to time. It's complicated and I don't like to talk about our relationship.That way, I can save the loss of time ill never get back in my life with the 20min explanation of what my MOT does and still have to explain what I just explained because no one still knows what the heck I'm taking about.

My favorite response as of late is still "Oh so your husband is like a lawn maintenance guy" Yes exactly !!!( How do you even go on from there?) Another great one I've heard  "Its just grass why is he so stressed out?  It's not like he's a doctor saving a life ." Yup it's just grass. Please share this great affirmation with my MOT.
I could easily turn this whole post around and make it comical,but I'd be selling myself and"my sisters" short . Our existence is lonely, we are always put second even though our MOT'S will argue that. We can't just up and say I'm bored, I think I'm going to go and have a life changing experience today can you pick the kid up ? Or hey husband,take the weekend off and let's go out of town.I haven't seen you in 2 weeks can we have a lunch date? Or I'm sorry my husband had to leave your barbecue unexpectedly, his pump house just blew up and he has a grass eating fungus. .How the heck do you explain that????

The truth is no one knows any one's life until they walk a mile in ones shoes . It's very easy to give advice and solutions but, if the bigger picture is misunderstood, sometimes the best action is no reaction. 

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