And so it begins, the first day of "GROW IN" This will be my life in a nutshell for the next 2 months. All I will do is eat, sleep ,breathe , listen ,clean ,vacuum , and probably wash ,what will be bits and pieces of "Holly " We must not forget to add in getting our KOT ready for the upcoming new school year , all the drama that goes along with that , plus getting her acclimated to her new life. I'll also need to remember ,TO REMEMBER , to update MOT of mandatory things he must be present for in our life . Maybe I should look into hiring a personal assistant ????!!!! Ha, I'm sure MOT would totally go for that ,especially if she was easy on the eyes !!!! I've had people tell me with this renovation, that the hard part is over ..ummm.. ???? NO !..My hell begins today . The "grow in" phase in my opinion is the worst ! The vibe in my home will solely depend upon what or how his entire maintence team is preforming under the pressure of "grow in zilla" masked as my MOT the (Grass Growing God) ,not to mention the mental strain of the chatter, the discussions both good and bad comming from outside sources. These "discussions " will most likely be about the progress or the lack there of .It's really funny during a project like this ,everyone instantly has an arogmony degree and a psychic ability to determine how fast something should grow . I'll be the lucky one who gets to deal with the aftermat both good and bad .I'm seriously considering leaving a sign on the door that says,YOU JUST LEFT "HER " SO LEAVE "HER"(don't think that would go over too well) Luckily for me ,this isn't my first rodeo . By now, I just make sure there is cold beer in the fridge , some type of edible substance on a plate in the microwave and a very caring expression on my face. While I'm listening very intently , In my mind I'm screaming "shut up" I don't care ,for the love of god ,let me tell you about my day ....I'm mentally imagining stabbing myself with your multi-tool, if I hear about 2-40dxyz, msma (I know msma has been labeled a restricted product and NO mot doesn't still use this ) , or how many inches the runners of your sprigs have reached to the sun's surface, in just 6 days!!!!!! But, I don't ...I just sit there like a good little WOT and engage. I have to sometimes remind myself that home is my MOT'S safe place and when he's here with us ,he needs to be able to decompress .That is something it's taken awhile for me to learn. Almost 16 yrs 😆 I do love hearing about his day though and seeing all of his hard work come to fruition ....most of the time ......💜
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