Wednesday, July 20, 2016

All alone on Gilligan's Island

 This is a horrific senseless crime against these poor , innocent golf mobile driving devices . They have cushioned your bums, held your bags and this is how you repay them ? Sentencing them to a slow death of battery acid burns and environmental tortures? WHY GOD....WHY???!!!!..
. I'm sure there's a great story behind this other than pure laziness . Perhaps this was a to- do list for the mechanic who got fired ? A great deal from Hill-billy Jimmie's Golf World?? Or maybe they have lead paint and might kill kittens ? 

I was visiting MOT'S  course the other day and I stumbled upon this.The "equipment grave yard ". It reminds me of a scene from a zombie movie ,deserted ,overgrown and scary.  I have no idea why this made me giggle and actually want to write about it . Maybe the vision in my head of zombie golfers trying to fight zombie superintendents ??? Think about it ..would the MOT'S still be complaining about staying on the cart path and not driving up next to the collar of greens ? Would the golfers still be complaining about green speeds ? Would the Turf Wives, still be mad?????
Apparently I have way to much time on my hands or I've watched one to many zombie movies .

I'm now curious  to know if anyone else has a "grave yard" at their properties???? Remember, my MOT only took over this property in October . I'm sure this will be a winter cleanup project . Id offer to help but.. ummm.. What if something is in there ????? Like a dead anything ??????

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