Thursday, May 12, 2016

Being a princess is highly overrated..

16 years of being a WOT and well today I just got schooled . Just when I think I've been through every possible scenario that this crazy "turf life " has thrown at me ,BOOM..! In walks "bent grass" or "Princess" as I've now dubbed Holly's putting surfaces . I've been so spoiled in my MOT's career that I've never really had to deal with the tribulations of it . I've/we've have always lived in areas where "growing season " was year round and it really didn't matter if your greens were in full force menopause experiencing the dreaded hot flashes . For those of you reading my "crazy " and have no idea what bent grass is ,it's the devil herself  laughing at any WOT ,for actually thinking you might get a 5 minute lunch date with your MOT during the dogs days of summer . So I'm preparing myself for the "mourning phase" gone will be the hopes of any type of fun family summer time memories , I am  pretty much going to forget planning any spur of the moment getaways, and just seeing my MOT'S face in general . I'm sure I'll be able to suffer through it. 
 I've already bought a brand new pair of big girl panties to get me through . I am very thankful that our daughter is now 12 and has inherited my strong sense of being . I couldn't imagine how she'd react to being without her most precious human if she was any younger. So the next time you "think" you might have life figured out.. DON'T .. there will always be a "princess " in there to throw you a big fat curve ball.Always  remember you DO learn something new everyday ! Holly-25898545236985, Princess- 2365258, Me- 7

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