Great news is I'm over my self reflecting pity party. Bad news is Holly has once again dug her roots into my mot's veins . This time she has recruited irritation (irrigation). As I type this entry , my MOT should be on his way to Florida to see his FOT.(family of turf) but instead he's getting a new irrigation something . I shouldn't be annoyed ,considering this "new" is going to help holly flourish back to her natural beauty and make his life a little bit easier , but I/we are . This living apart stuff is for the birds . I know it will only be a short time longer but in the meantime it still stinks.. Then there's that fine line of guilt . Yes I am upset that my MOT won't be home tonight , but he's taking care of his responsibilities. So I really don't have a right to be mad at him and pick a fight about how taken for granted I feel ,how his career always comes first ,the fact i'm nursing a sick kid,packing ,cleaning etc . It's been almost a month since he's been home . What's two more days . In the grand scheme of things its THE fact he's coming home. He's choosing family over holly and that's what really matters. Holly 2565454698574, WOT 546
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