One thing I've noticed over the years of being a WOT is my MOT'S mind NEVER shuts off. I mean like ever . I can't remember the last time we were in a car driving and a conversation wasn't centered around grass or weather . At any moment I can look over at him and witness a one of a kind design /build thought process . He's staring at an open field ,to which he replies.."you know right to the left of that tree ,would make a beautiful par 3 ". It even happens when we're in the nursey section in a local home improvement store. A plant catches his eye ,"That would look beautiful to the right of 15 tee box." The best ever is when he's over worked, and stressed . He talks in his sleep . His dream state ramblings have educated me in every aspect of golf course maintenance. The proper way to distribute seed during overseeding , how to properly harvest sod ,where to put the bunker sand and what it feels like to be an employee on the receiving end of an epic ass chewing . I sometimes wonder if this unhealthy. Unhealthy in the aspect of not being able to shut it off and walk away ,having the ability to see and think beyond the green , always being preoccupied with the turf. Being here in the moment,but never being here in the mental moments. Then I realize this is what passion is all about . Passion and a love that noone can put rhyme or reason to. Truthfully I'd give my left arm to have that kind of passion. The ability to be immersed in something that truly is your heart and soul, your reason for living . I've met my fair share of Mot's in my lifetime and they all share this same exact characteristic..PASSION . These little idiosyncrasies make it very easy to forgive my MOT of his sometimes inability to balance anything outside of "his girl " If his soul is happy ,then I'm happy ..even if I have to compete constantly with "the other woman " .
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