Monday, July 24, 2023

Why Stimpmeters Matter..

It's no secret that I've been in this industry for what seems like 100 years. Although I don't grow the magical grass, I'm married to someone that does, so that kinda just grandfather's me in right? Like Im an honorary inductee to the Turf Grass Growing Hall of Wax Figures Fame! Just call me Ma'dam TurfWidow.. 
There has got to be some weird formula to calculate one human year vs grass growing years, think dog years vs human years but way more. So basically if you are, say 50 in human years, that makes you about 80 in grass-growing years.. I'm sure most of you reading my word vomit would absolutely love to spend 5 minutes in my head, just to see where I come up with half the crap I put onto paper. 🤣.. 

Ok back to where I was going before losing my pitching wedge in the rough that hasn't been mowed in 2 weeks.. 

I'm always curious as to "why" someone gets into "Turf Grass" 
Did you get grounded as a kid and all of your toys taken away, so all you could do was grab a stick and literally watch grass grow? 
Did you kinda fall into it because you loved playing golf and decided "These greens are complete garbage and "I watched my dad grow pumpkins " so I know I can grow anything?! " Or, perhaps you just thought " I like grass, love being outside and I know how to read a bag of fertilizer so this is my jam! " Or did you actually dream of this instead of being a Fireman or Policeman? 

What puzzles me even more, are the, as I call them, The "Title Superintendents" you know the ones I'm talking about.. They wear expensive dress shoes and have a monthly subscription to the latest and greatest golf fashion clothing box. I can bet my life they don't own 1 pair of cargo shorts either.  They sit in their offices with the ac cranking and barking out orders through a text message. They have no idea what is going on, on their properties. THEY GO ON MULTIPLE VACATIONS DURING THE SUMMER ( like seriously 2 weeks away in JULY!! Who does that and most importantly DO YOU EVEN REALLY GROW GRASS BRO?) They don't even communicate to their Assistant, Foreman, or Director ,GM (I'm just covering all bases here, and this could happen at any type of club, low, middle, or high Private, Muni etc)  a plan of action during absence! I can also bet my life, these "Title Superintendents" have never ever gotten rained on  by the Green Pigment Liquid Fairy " and probably have no idea what the red plastic small flag thing is for an irrigation value. They are also the ones who arrive at 7 am and leave around 9 am FOR THE ENTIRE DAY! Their hands NEVER get dirty or gashed! Their Crew completely doesn't respect them and therefore the course overall suffers, which then creates more work FOR EVERYONE, and lots of time and money are spent just to cover someone's "don't give a damn anymore. "Before I get slammed with negative comments or a message from a sensitive somebody thinking I'm calling them out personally if you think I'm talking about you? I probably am 🤣🙈..  

PLEASE explain this to me! Please help me to understand! From where I sit, all I see is a person who collects their paycheck. NOT a grass grower with PASSION and PURPOSE! NOT a professional Grass Growing Magician! NOT a true professional dirt farmer who would do this for FREE because turf grass just flows through your veins. NOT someone who lives by the GRASS BEFORE ARSE MOTTO ( OK I made that up, but it's totally true!!! ) Most importantly HOW DO THEY STILL HAVE EMPLOYMENT? I just don't UNDERSTAND! Do they not realize, it doesn't matter how much you know, what seminar you're taking at the GCSAA tradeshow, etc..YOU'RE ONLY AS GOOD AS YOU ARE BECAUSE OF YOUR CREW! ONCE YOU LOSE THAT RESPECT, YOU LOSE WAYYYY MORE THAN YOUR GREENS! 

How can a grass grower actually live with themselves knowing their property is in complete shambles and STILL choose to look the other way? Is this what happens when your passion and purpose leave the building? Or is this just a result of just wanting to play the part ( remember the clothing subscription 🤔) and never ever signing your soul over to the Grass Growing Gods? 

For the first time in FOREVER, I feel like Grass Growers are FINALLY getting the attention and recognition that they deserve! In almost every televised tour event, there is mention of THANKS to ALL the hardworking GROUNDS CREWS and THE SUPERINTENDENT! As a turf-wife, this just makes my heart happy!!! FINALLY, the Men and Women who work their fingers to the bone for someone else's "game" or hobby are getting the Atta Boy/Girl that they sooooo deserve!! 

 Seriously how can someone that just sits in an office with a shiny clean cart, that works maybe 20 hrs a week, think they are even on that same level??? It's almost disrespectful to even consider. If someone can't or doesn't want this career, please move over because there are tons of guys and girls, who would cut off their fingers to be able to run the show and sit in that big leather office chair. Maybe it's time to just reevaluate and get a job at your local home improvement center, in the garden department... 

I know this entry is a little different from what I usually write about, but I'm seeing it more and more these days and I just need to say it, because if I don't, who will? 😉🙃

"Respect The Soil and The Grass Growing Powers That Be, Will Reward You, Disrespect it and well you will get a TED! "( Turf Eating Disease) 
-Author Unknown 


  1. You hit the nail on the head! I think after working on an Officer's club on and off since I was old enough to caddie, my opinion is more worthy than most of the so called grounds keepers ! We didn't have all the machinery or knowledge that's out there today! You Turf Widows have some very intelligent partners!

    1. They are only smart because they married us 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. I want you to know, my Father was a greens keeper, and yes he wore Palm Beach slacks,chemo Lacostra(sp) shirts alligator shoes, but didn't have an air-conditioned office, and when it was time to Top Dress or aircraft or plug greens he was always in the middle of the work! But he didn't wear cargo pants, they weren't even around and you would never see him not dressed to the nines! Just for your information! He was so dark from the sun he looked like an African American!

  2. Too many non doers out there, if you are not prepared to get wet and dirty, then go home.

    1. Don't forget, sunburned and dehydrated too 🤣
