The drive over to his shop was only about 5 miles from my office, but it seriously felt like time stood still. Those 5 miles turned into 50. Of course I was in complete panic mode. Why when you're in a all hands on deck crisis, does the universe decide that EVERY CAR ON THE ROAD NEEDS TO DRIVE 10MPH UNDER THE SPEED LIMIT!!! Like GTFO of my way. My Grass Grower's pipes are leaking and his pump station is in "WARNING MODE". Move people!!!!
When I FINALLY arrived to the shop, my grass grower was nowhere in sight. Would you believe this jerk, was actually still on some madmax looking driving device thing with wheels, trying to fix whatever broke on whatever hole ( if you know the course he was at,at the time, you will totally understand) instead of actually LISTENING TO ME OR A DOCTOR telling him to get his gluteus maximus (any of the three muscles in each buttock which move the thigh, the largest of which is the gluteus maximus.) to the ER IMMEDIATELY!
I can't tell you what came over me! I actually had to call him to come back to the shop! Umm you're in Kidney Failure, you're body is shutting down, but hey let's go dig a freaking hole, because that's sooo much more important THAN YOUR LIFE!!!
I've never been the turf wife to disrespect him infront of his crew ever. I always save that for when he comes home, 6 hrs later than first told, but the demon that came out of my mouth that day even surprised me. I basically jerked a knot in his Alabamian hard headed body, said alot of loud, very loud bad words. I even think at one point I threw a water bottle at him, just barley missing his face. I know im making myself sound like a complete physco, but if you are married to one of these "special men", you totally understand.
After standing in the parking lot for about 15mins screaming at him to get in the car, my toddler fit was over, I got my way and off to the ER we went. Luckily for us, the Doc called ahead and told them we were coming. The drive over was weird. We both sat in complete silence, probably trying to process WTF was going on.
We walked into the door at the ER, get him checked in, triage, blood work, bla bla bla ,etc and After what seemed like an eternity, a man in a white jacket walked in with an entourage. I really thought he would tell us, that this was a huge mistake, the blood tests were wrong, and to get him dressed so he could go back to digging his hole or whatever he was doing.
Boy was I sooo wrong. My grass grower was IN COMPLETE KIDNEY FAILURE, so much so that his organs where in the process of beginning to shut down. If you know my Grass Grower, this probably won't suprise you, he NEVER does anything half arsed. It's always a go big or go home type of ANYTHING! Why would I think a life altering medical apocaliptic event be any different????!!!!???
Then there it was, we're admiting him. "Umm... Excuse me " you're what???!!!?? I shake my head in disbelief. Meanwhile I look over at my beloved husband, who now all of the sudden looks so less than life, completely almost grey ( why am i know just noticing this!!!! )and in an instant my world began to crash. Even though I constantly troll him, I can't imagine my life without him. He truly is the Ying to my yang, my ride or die. We're not supposed to have to worry about this health crap for atleast 30 more years. The entire time, I'm trying to remain the strong , cool, have my sheet together wife, not to mention our daughter has no idea this is going on, no one does, and then I remember she's got an opening scrimmage game later than evening..
If you are keeping up with my pervious posts, you will understand that I'm digging VERY deep to relive this nightmare, so you'll just have to wait to hear/read more....🙃
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