So check this out..I hate that most of my writing is at the expense of my grass gower,but sometimes it's just hard not to let it go.I do admit I sometimes,not everytime,feel a nagging sense of guilt,that I'm writing at his expense,But come on here,HOW CAN I NOT???If you are living this crazy life,it's best if you make lemonade with all the lemons that get thrown at you.
Insert reason number 45567865 why I adore my MOT!It isn't enough that he and the rest of the grass growing mafia keep insane hours,it becomes comical when THEY CAN NEVER SHUT IT OFF.I'm not speaking of talking about Holly 24/7,I'm talking about the probably 4 hrs of sleep they get at night.
I'm talking about when I come into our bedroom to sleep after he's gone to bed 2 to 3 hours before me. (Remember I only get a good 2 hrs of quality husband time before he checks out at around 7:30. It's a party if he stays up past 8)I truly wish I was that evil and I'd record this "sleep "conversations.
Being with this man for as long as I have,(in turf years at least 80)I have verbally witnessed how to properly unload bunker sand, and what happens to you ,if god forbid, you do it wrong.(think Alice and Wonderland, Off with their heads!!!) I've learned how to run a Spanish speaking crew,how to chew arse if you do something wrong and how to argue your case in front of the board for a bigger budget.(I'm telling you. .real first world stuff here folks!!!)
Some of these sleep time shenanigans are hysterical. But most of the time as hard as it is not to laugh,I just feel sorry for him.Why? Because I know his stress and pain. It's not fair most of the time,the mental strain that comes along with growing grass.But,we all know that there is ALWAYS a grasstastic emergency somewhere,even if it's in dreamland.As a good little obedient TURF WIFE( you're laughing if you truly know me ) I'm still supportive,just listen,and fight every fiber in my being not to hit the,record button on my phone.Instead I just write about it. HA!
I'd love to hear your "dream" stories about your MOT. Feel free to send them my way. I'm sure there's some great stuff out there!!
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