Monday, July 24, 2017

Why you should spend money on the right fertility program

I don't know how to put all this into a diplomatic essay,so if my post seems like a rant,it very well could be. Or prehaps it could a very precocious little ditty.

I'm having a hard time here understanding these simple terms.

1.Honesty(definition)to tell the truth. Example,if one has no intention of following through with a stated deal(agreed contract or offer)than please for the love of god,don't waste the energy of mother universe or precious time.

2.Expectation (definition)A belief that someone will or should achieve something. Example, if one was unhappy with a past result, what would make someone think "cheaping" the purse would enable near perfect results. In otherwords don't hire someone for 30 grand less than what your veteran expectation  is. Think education and experience with years of knowledge to handle a multitude of curve balls.

3.Trending(definition)Change or develop in a general direction. Example, just because everyone and everything are trying to keep up with the latest version of whatever "they" are doing, this doesn't mean it's always the correct road to travel down.In otherwords, if you have a set amount for a salary, stick to that and find the most qualified person for the money you are willing to spend.

4.Time(definition)do I really need to define this?Example, one should never expect a fast result. In otherwords,knowledge takes years to learn and expertise isn't often learned from a text book.

5.Knowledge(definition)Facts,information and skills acquired by a person through experience or education.Example,you have Little Jimmy who just graduated and is completely wet behind the ears. Then you have Kinda Big John who well thinks he is awesome,because,he was a farmer and has a big boy tractor.
Then walks in Super Sam, with a resume to die for,years of every kind of possible situtation and experience  under his belt and you know he's your guy. Infact you almost think he's  to good to be true.
What it all this boils down to is who is the perfect person to take your open position to the next level. Little Jimmy, Kinda Big John or Super Sam? The decision ???? Kinda Big John. Why not choose the person with the most knowledge? I wish I could explain that. I honestly have no idea. If this is what happens to you when you have spent hundreds and thousands of dollars to go to school and learn a craft, isn't that kinda a smack in the face? What is the point of striving for a higher education ?

There are many other points I'm sure that can be touched on here. This is just the tip on the iceberg. Bottom line is this, why do you have to work so hard in life and your career,only to be rejected by circumstances??

I'd love to hear thoughts on this.. please feel free to start a conversation with me or just vent .

Thursday, July 20, 2017

The leaves are brown and we have a fungus

I've debated on whether I need to write about this season in our life, but it then hit me.I HAVE TO. Why do I have to? Because there is another "sister" going through this somewhere and my blog could be exactly what she needs to get out of bed today. Or me writing down what's in my head could be the reason I get out of bed today.

Truth is,we are treading on very tough waters mentally and physically. Our life is in a complete whirlwind of panic(well I'm in a panic,grass grower not so much) and limbo. Anyone who has been through this knows the industry is a hurry up and wait type of thing. There are so many channels that come with the hiring process and the speed is never fast enough for the person actually perusing the open position.

Deep down inside, I know my grass grower is pretty freaking talented so it's just a matter of time before the feast or fammin stage rolls in. But in the mean time the fammin is enough to drive any strong man,woman, dog,cat,monster,elephant(you get my drift)CRAZY!!!!

I was watching a movie the other day ..ok I was watching a mafia movie ..😂😂😂 and I honestly felt like wow this is my life.. well minus criminal activities and offing of people. (Please stay with me here, I swear I have a point.) But what I'm going after here is the "family" bond thing. When a fellow is down, the outpouring of love,kindness,and community is overwhelming. For all of that,we are entirely grestful and we love you all!!!!!

One thing I have noticed the most is the change in direction of my grass grower. The change mentally. The realization that it doesn't matter where, he just wants to grow grass. I was kinda,worried about him in this transition,but as in any situation,he has put on his big boy cargo shorts(Pat Jones reference) and handing it all like a boss. Maybe he has to, because his wife, is a complete lunatic in the negative nelly zone.

The good news is this is just a season(a rather shitastic season)but seasons change. The wind blows a different direction and your life can completely change in the matter of a breath. Or in my case a growing season.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Please Cease and Desist

"Among my most prized possessions are words that I have never spoken."
-Orson Scott Card

Well hello there world! First and foremost,I would just like to say, I haven't fallen off the face of the round ball we call earth.

Second,when life puts you up against a wall,a true lady must remain classy,do a cute little hair swipe,throw on some lip gloss and handle it. Handle it like a true hip-hop gangster going into a rap battle.

Stay tuned...once we will know ...

P.s. please pray for my grass gower...he's getting on my nerves ..😂