ME-So I should probably prepare myself for being a single mom on mothers day too ?
HIM-What date is it?
Yes ladies and gentlemen this is a real life text exchange between myself and my MOT. A form of communication that has replaced any type of actual verbal correspondence between the two of us during GGH. (Grass growing hours). If the sun is up the grass is growing . The grass doesn't care if it's Mother's Day, your birthday , Christmas , your dog just died , you are in labor etc . It doesn't care about any of it! Grass to a mot is the equivalent of a "fix" to a drug addict. Her luscious color, the smell of her freshly cut blades , the sight of her perfectly striped lines , all of this will put a mot's endorphins into overdrive . Just when they think they can sit back , relax (perhaps enjoy some down time with their family ), that naughty little minx throws in a curve ball and decides not so fast can't leave me ...look..I now have Pythium !!! What are you going to do about it ???..Nevermind it's your only daughter's first birthday or it's Mother's Day .What does the mot do ????. He grabs his cart and drives to his chemical room to check what he has on hand to spray . His second move ??.He doesn't have anything on hand , so he grabs his phone and calls one of his 50,000 sales reps (that get to spend more time with your mot than you do) . His third move and or phone call ??? Well I'm not going to lead you on here .. IT'S NOT GOING TO BE YOU , THE WOT.! Infact , you'll be his last phone call . The call that he makes on his way home , 3 to 4 hrs later than original said arrival . I'm sure there have been many times that phone call has been delayed. Reason being ? They fear for their lives . They know they are the most hated individual on the planet . I think we as wots just get to a point where we just don't care anymore . What's the use of getting upset , it's just wasted energy. No matter how mad we get for their actions , the end result will always,be the same ..."SHE" will always,get the last word . 16 years I have been with my MOT, I have felt every emotion known to man . Loneliness, abandonment, unimportant,disappointed,just to name a few . Getting mad these days is just pointless. It doesn't solve anything . It just is what it is . You learn to deal and accept that you and your kid(s) will always take the back burner's just the way it is..
HIM-What date is it?
Yes ladies and gentlemen this is a real life text exchange between myself and my MOT. A form of communication that has replaced any type of actual verbal correspondence between the two of us during GGH. (Grass growing hours). If the sun is up the grass is growing . The grass doesn't care if it's Mother's Day, your birthday , Christmas , your dog just died , you are in labor etc . It doesn't care about any of it! Grass to a mot is the equivalent of a "fix" to a drug addict. Her luscious color, the smell of her freshly cut blades , the sight of her perfectly striped lines , all of this will put a mot's endorphins into overdrive . Just when they think they can sit back , relax (perhaps enjoy some down time with their family ), that naughty little minx throws in a curve ball and decides not so fast can't leave me ...look..I now have Pythium !!! What are you going to do about it ???..Nevermind it's your only daughter's first birthday or it's Mother's Day .What does the mot do ????. He grabs his cart and drives to his chemical room to check what he has on hand to spray . His second move ??.He doesn't have anything on hand , so he grabs his phone and calls one of his 50,000 sales reps (that get to spend more time with your mot than you do) . His third move and or phone call ??? Well I'm not going to lead you on here .. IT'S NOT GOING TO BE YOU , THE WOT.! Infact , you'll be his last phone call . The call that he makes on his way home , 3 to 4 hrs later than original said arrival . I'm sure there have been many times that phone call has been delayed. Reason being ? They fear for their lives . They know they are the most hated individual on the planet . I think we as wots just get to a point where we just don't care anymore . What's the use of getting upset , it's just wasted energy. No matter how mad we get for their actions , the end result will always,be the same ..."SHE" will always,get the last word . 16 years I have been with my MOT, I have felt every emotion known to man . Loneliness, abandonment, unimportant,disappointed,just to name a few . Getting mad these days is just pointless. It doesn't solve anything . It just is what it is . You learn to deal and accept that you and your kid(s) will always take the back burner's just the way it is..
Desperately seeking dark time
Desperately seeking dark time
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